Largemouth Bass Habitat - To Catch'em You Got To Know Where To Look

The Largemouth Bass habitat has been known to exist in many of the lower 48 states of the U.S. Although it is most popular in the southeastern states, many different varieties of the largemouth bass can be found in the north and western regions.

Their adaptability is one of the most attractive attributes of the bucketmouth. Wherever you are, a bass isn't far away. Thanks to stocking, they occur in every state but Alaska.

*See Where To Find Largemouth Bass for more information on knowing where to fish for your next lunker.

Largemouth Bass Habitat

In general terms, the habitat of the largemouth bass consists of any area with good amounts of cover, whether it's weeds, submerged tress, or any area with good amounts of underwater vegetation.

Bushy flats with deep holes and abundant cover serve as prime feeding areas. These fish will tend to look for shady areas. Green leaves on newly flooded vegetation provide good cover and attract many of the largemouth's natural prey.

Cliffs with uneven faces hold more bass than smooth, straight walls. They will hide in the natural caves formed by the uneven areas of the cliffs. Also, anywhere there is an extreme drop off from the shore line is a common place for bass to hang out in.

What all this amounts to is understanding that two characteristics make up the primary habitat of a bass. That is cover and structure. Combine these and chances are real good that you will find Largemouth in the area.

If you found our Habitat info helpful, check out our Largemouth page for more tips.

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